SSN Whale and Dolphin Working Group

The SSN Whale and Dolphin Working Group monitors international trade in both live whales and dolphins and their parts and derivatives. The Working Group provides technical expertise to Parties on the implications of such shipments and how CITES can offer better protection to species traded illegally or unsustainably. The Working Group’s recent efforts have assisted in the listing of the Irrawaddy dolphin on Appendix I and the amendment of the Appendix II listing of the Black Sea population of bottlenose dolphins to prohibit trade in live specimens for commercial purposes.

Chair: Ms. Sue Fisher

PO Box 820064
Portland, OR 97282-1064 USA

Tel: +1-503-235-7050


  • Downloads

    2007 - SSN CoP14 Factsheet on Doc. 51 on CetaceansDownload PDF

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    2007 - SSN CoP14 Factsheet on Doc. 66 on Periodic ReviewDownload PDF

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    2007 - SSN CoP14 Factsheet on Inclusion of the Fin Whale in the Periodic ReviewDownload PDF

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    2006 - SSN on Introduction from the SeaDownload PDF

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    2004 - SSN CoP13 Factsheet on the Irrawaddy DolphinDownload PDF

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    2004 - SSN CoP13 Factsheet on the Minke WhaleDownload PDF

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    2004 - SSN CoP12 Factsheet on the Black Sea Bottlenose DolphinDownload PDF

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    2004 - SSN CoP12 Factsheet on the Bryde's Whale and Minke WhaleDownload PDF